Youth Savings

Unleash the power of saving

Youth savings is an important aspect of personal finance that can have a significant impact on financial well-being in the long run. Teaching young people the value of saving and financial planning can help them develop good money habits that can last a lifetime.

Set goals

It's important for young people to have a specific savings goal in mind. Have a strategy and set achievable goals for saving on a weekly or monthly basis.

Make saving a habit

Encourage young people to save a portion of their allowance or earnings regularly, even if it's just a small amount. This habit can help build a solid foundation for saving throughout their lives.

Money management

Understanding how to manage money wisely is a critical skill for long-term financial success. Consider providing resources or opportunities for young people to learn more about budgeting, investing, and other aspects of personal finance.

Opening a Youth Account

Opening a Youth Account is simple and easy to do. You may visit any one of our branch locations and provide the following information:
  1. Verification (Proof) (One or the other)
    1. Birth Certificate
    2. Social Security Card
Verification and Acceptable Identification for:
U.S. Individual
  1. Information to be verified
    1. Name
    2. Residence
      1. Mailing address verification (if different from Driver's License)
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Social Security Number
  2. Verification (Proof)
    1. Social Security Card
    2. Valid Unexpired Driver's License
    3. Unexpired State Issued ID Card
    4. Unexpired United States Passport
    5. Utility Bill
    6. Vehicle Registration
Non U.S. Individual (Resident Alien)
  1. Information to be verified
    1. Name
    2. Residence
      1. Mailing address verification (if different from Driver's License)
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Social Security Number
  2. Verification (Proof)
    1. Passport
    2. Valid VISA
    3. Unexpired Driver's License
    4. Other Government Issued Document Showing Residence, Photo and Country of Origin (must be approved by an Assistant Branch Manager or Branch Manager)
Elderly and Disabled Persons
  1. Elderly and disabled persons may not have a Driver's License, but are still required to produce at least two primary forms of identification.
  2. These forms of proof of identity must be as follows:
    1. Social Security Card
    2. Medicare Card
    3. Medicaid Card
  3. Secondary identity documents must contain the name and address of elderly or disabled persons and may include, but not limited to:
    1. Utility Bill
    2. State Tax Bill
    3. Vehicle Registration
    4. Union Card
    5. Police Identification